Which Is Much Better for Your Anxiety? CBD Or THC

Stress is, downright, problematic. Indeed, traditional treatments are easily accessible. But some people prefer the idea of natural remedies like CBD and THC. However which one really has the most efficacy in terms of relieving anxiety? In this blog, we will explore does CBD help anxiety.

[1] Non-Psychoactive vs. Psychoactive Effects

Among THC Vs CBD, THC is psychoactive, which can actually induce feelings of euphoria, commonly referred to as a "high," that can sometimes cause anxiety in some people. On the other hand, CBD has no influence on your state of mind. It is less likely to cause paranoia or more anxiety, making it a more appealing choice if you are sensitive to it.

[2] Research Supporting Anxiety Cutback

Research finds a lot of promise in CBD for anxiety relief, as it has been shown in studies to reduce anxiety associated with various forms. THC, however, reflects an uncertain trend: low doses lower anxiety, but at a higher dose, it counteracts, making CBD more dependable.

[3] Side Effects and Safety

Between THC Vs CBD, CBD is well-tolerated, with minimal side effects that usually relate to drowsiness or dry mouth, so it is safer when taken long-term. In contrast, THC can lead to memory impairment and, in extreme cases, even addiction. It could also evoke anxiety and paranoia, especially in high doses, which displays the safety of CBD to have a better profile for treatment with anxiety.


CBD is safer and more effective for achieving relief in anxiety compared with THC. Because of its non-psychoactive nature, it has consistent research support and involves minimal side effects. Hence, if you want to know does CBD help anxiety, yes, CBD is dependable and accessible.

To know more details about What Does CBD Do our website: cannariver.com​


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